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商品訊息簡述: top ★繼暢銷5萬冊的【可能小學】系列第二課——可能小學的愛地球任務,融合冒險、知識、破解謎案,上天下海啟蒙孩子的科學之心。 在可能小學,沒有不可能的事! 戶外教學課開課了,要上飛行課的同學趕緊跟著歐雄老師搭上滑翔翼。天外飛來的大老鷹害得高有用和超完美的滑翔翼失控,掉進幾百年前的金沙湖。長得像熊的十八王公主愛上高有用,想留他當駙馬,高有用能全身而退嗎?花馬貨郎幫的人一心想找到可以開採黃金的金砂溪,引起了一場混戰,他們會得逞嗎?金沙湖的女王如何用神祕的石片解救高有用和超完美?作者簡介王文華 王文華?嗯,他不是外星人。+ 他很忙,忙著讓腦袋瓜裡的故事飛出來,也要忙著管他那班淘氣的學生。他寫的故事,大野狼也愛看,半夜還跑來向他要故事,準備回家講給小狼聽,當做床邊故事。+ 他寫好多好多的書、好多好多故事。喜歡去麥當勞看小朋友幸福的吃東西、玩遊戲,那時,他特別有靈感,當然,這也害他漸漸變成小胖子。噓,不能笑,不然,他會寫不出故事來喔!+ 曾獲牧笛兒童文學獎等獎項。出版的作品有:【可能小學的歷史任務】系列(4冊)、《歡迎光臨海愛牛》、《美夢銀行》、《淘氣小狐仙》、《豬兒當自強》、《泡妞特攻隊》、《我的家人我的家》、《草魚潭的孩子》、《我的老師虎姑婆》、《ㄒㄧㄚ、老師的祕密武器》、等。歡迎光臨王文華的童話公園:fest5.myweb.hinet.net/。繪者簡介賴馬+ 沉浸在圖畫書創作及插畫領域多年,圖像語言生動豐富,創造許多逗趣角色,是一位總是為孩子帶來歡樂的圖文創作者。+ 曾獲金鼎獎、小太陽獎、中華兒童文學獎、中國時報「開卷」年度最佳童書、聯合報「讀書人」年度最佳童書、『好書大家讀』年度最佳童書等。 作品:【看漫畫FUN英文】系列(3冊)、《歡迎光臨海愛牛》、《我和我家附近的野狗們》、《我變成一隻噴火龍了!》、《現在,你知道我是誰了嗎?》、《早起的一天》、《十二生肖的故事》、《帕拉帕拉山的妖怪》、《慌張先生》、等。目前已售出繪本版權:美、日、韓等國。
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很多人問小編說A Time and A Tide: Charles K. Kao: A Memoir去哪裡買?哪裡最便宜?哪裡最划算?
A Time and A Tide: Charles K. Kao: A Memoir
: http%3A%2F%2Fadcenter.conn.tw%2Fredirect.php%3Fmember%3Daf000052062%26address%3D%252Fexep%252Fprod%252Fbooksfile.php%253Fitem%253D0010497722%2526member%253Daf000052062%26manu_id%3D5%26ad_id%3D0%26ad_type%3D1003%26v%3Dfb8d0fc18bfc080873ed3a272143855a
商品訊息簡述: top Sir Charles Kao is generally regarded as the father of fiber optics, based in part on his discovery that signal loss in fiber cables was a direct result of impurities in the glass rather than a flaw in the technology—a breakthrough that affects nearly every aspect of our present-day communication infrastructure. Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009 ”for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication,”+this memoir chronicles the personal and scientific odyssey of one of the twentieth century’s most influential scientists. Beginning with his childhood in war-torn Shanghai and Hong Kong, Kao then explores the turbulent rift that forced him from his family. Later, he details his early work and experience that established the basis for his seminal research with glass fibers in the 1960s. Following this groundbreaking work, Kao gives his account of his later tenure as a professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and eventually as Vice Chancellor of the university. After offering his thoughts on being honored with the Nobel Prize, Kao ends with a reflection on his personal and professional experiences as well as with some last insights into the future of science.作者簡介Charles K. Kao Born in Shanghai in 1933, Sir Charles K. Kao moved to Hong Kong in 1948, eventually joining the staff at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He founded the university’s Department of Electronics (later the Department of Electronic Engineering) in 1970 and taught for many years before serving as Vice Chancellor. In addition to the Nobel Prize in Physics, he has won numerous other awards and distinctions, and since retiring as Vice Chancellor of CUHK, Professor Kao has continued his association with the university community as an Honorary Professor of Engineering.
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